Egypt takes delivery of more Lurssen patrol boats (defenceWeb)
AIS data showed a second batch of three vessels arrived at the port of Alexandria aboard the heavy-lift ship Rolldock Sun on 14 February, Jane’s reports. The vessel left Germany on 28 January carrying a 60 metre patrol boat bearing the pennant 710 and two 40 metre OPB 41 (previously marketed as the CSB 40) coastal patrol craft bearing the pennant numbers 705 and 706.
In November 2020 it emerged that Egypt would be receiving nine Lurssen patrol boats and a single coastal defence boat from Germany under a 130 million euro deal after the contract with the original customer, Saudi Arabia, fell through.
Saudi Arabia had ordered 35 vessels from Lurssen around 2013, but by the time Germany imposed an export ban on the country in November 2018 due to its involvement in Yemen and the Jamal Khashoggi affair, Lurssen had delivered 15 and completed another seven. The first TNC 35 was delivered to Saudi Arabia’s Border Guards in November 2016.
The first batch of four 40 metre hulls (701-704) was transported to Egypt in early November 2020, Jane’s said. On 5 December 2020, one of the patrol boats, 704, was seen taking part in the Exercise Medusa 10.
The Egyptian Navy is also expecting four Meko A200 corvettes from Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS), one of which will be built in Egypt. TKMS was also contracted to build four Type 209/1400mod submarines for the Egyptian Navy. Three have been delivered and the fourth will arrive in Egypt soon.