ArcGIS Mission
What Is ArcGIS® Mission?
ArcGIS Mission is all-inclusive command and control software that
streamlines operations while providing teams with tactical situational awareness of an operating environment. Define the area of interest (AOI), map tactical resource assignments, and share information with teams. As the situation evolves, get real-time updates from the field, make changes, and quickly update team members. Establish command and control via peer-to-peer (P2P) communication between the field and command center in disconnected, intermittent, or limited-bandwidth environments. All key mission data, such as chat messages, photos, and location tracks, is documented and stored for after-action review and playback. ArcGIS Mission enables teams to better understand their operations in real time, make informed decisions, and acquire new understanding from completed missions. Team members can share status, location, and images for stronger mission collaboration, even in disconnected or lowbandwidth
environments. All mission activity is saved in ArcGIS including tracks, chats, and images captured during an operation.